Download the Student Handbook by clicking on the link below:

Union Heights Elementary

Student Handbook 


Home of the Tornados 

3366 Tornado Trail Morristown, TN 37813 

Phone: 423-586-1502     Fax: 423-585-3822 



Principal:  Jim Patrick 



For the security and safety of our students and staff, all doors coming into the school will be locked. Visitors will be admitted to the school via the main entrance.

Visitors must sign-in before making a visit and identify themselves and the reason for their visit. Friends, relatives, and students from other schools are discouraged from visiting during instructional class time.



School Messenger will now be used as a notification system that will call, email and/or SMS text message important information from your child's school. In the event that a notification is sent, School Messenger will call the primary contact number you have listed at your child's school. 



Parent portal is a service offered by HCBOE where parents can login and view their child's progress. Username and passwords are available through the office. 



Parents, family members, volunteers, and other visitors are always welcome in our school. We must, however, insist on the following policies for the welfare of our staff and students:

 ●All parents/visitors MUST enter the building at the main entrance. All doors will be locked during the school day.

 ●All parents, family members, volunteers, and other visitors must go to the school office and sign-in when visiting the school. They must identify themselves and the reason for their visit. No conferences will be held unless scheduled in advance. Teachers have responsibilities during the school day and cannot stop unexpectedly for a conference.

 ●Friends, relatives, and students from other schools may not visit classes during the school day without prior approval from the classroom teacher or the school principal.



Parking in the circle (at the office entrance) is not allowed for any purpose before 8:00am. It is reserved for school buses in the morning. This is to allow for safe loading and unloading of students, and to prevent buses from being delayed by parked cars.



Parent-teacher conferences are strongly encouraged. There are scheduled conferences in the fall and spring for parents who wish to participate. If you wish to arrange a conference with your child's teacher, please call the school office. The teacher will then contact you to set a mutually convenient date and time for the conference. No conferences will be held without an appointment. Parents and students are discouraged from calling a teacher at home. The school does not provide teachers' personal telephone numbers. 



Teachers cannot be called to the telephone to talk with parents while their classes are in session. If you wish to speak with a teacher by phone, please place your request through the school office. The teacher will return your call promptly when he/she is not responsible for the supervision and instruction of students.

Please do not ask our office personnel to relay messages to children except in case of emergency. We will not call children to the telephone to talk with anyone other than their parents.

Children are not permitted to call home in case of illness. All such calls will be placed through the school office.

Children may not use the school phone to ask parents to deliver forgotten assignments.



Each child must assume responsibility for keeping up with his or her personal possessions. Children may not bring cell phones, toys, games, cards, etc. to school.  If the aforementioned items are causing a distraction, the items will be taken from the student and may be picked up by a parent in the school office.




All prescription drugs given in school will be prescribed by a licensed prescriber on an individual basis as determined by the child's health status. Prescription medication must be brought to school in the original, pharmacy-labeled container. 

The container will display: 

●child's name 

●prescription number 

●medication name and dosage 

●administration route or other directions 


●licensed prescriber's name 

●pharmacy name, address, and phone number 


All prescriptions for long-term medications will be renewed annually. Changes in prescription medication must have written authorization from the licensed prescriber.

All nonprescription drugs given in school will be brought in with the manufacturer's original label with the ingredients listed and the child's name affixed to the container with a written parental/guardian request which will include: 

●child's name 

●name and signature of parent/guardian 

●name of medication 


●route of administration 

●frequency and time of administration 

●discontinuation date 

●reason medication is needed 

●parent/guardian phone number in case of emergency 

All medication forms for prescription and nonprescription can be picked up in the school office.




Attendance/Tardiness/Early Dismissals

School Hours:    7:45 a.m.–3:00 p.m.

Cafeteria doors open at 7:10am

Students are dismissed to class at 7:45am

Office doors opens at 7:30am


Hamblen County and Union Heights believe that attendance is one of the key factors for students to have a successful educational experience.


      If your child is going to be absent from school - please call the school between 8:00 - 9:00 AM each day your child is absent. State law in Tennessee excuses absences caused by sickness, death in the family, recognized religious holidays, and temporary family emergencies.
      When any student returns to school following an absence, the student must bring to his/her homeroom teacher an excuse note, signed by the parent, giving the dates and reasons for the absence. Students with an excessive number of unexcused absences will be subject to the truancy policy listed below and detailed in full in the Hamblen County Board of Education handbook. 

       Obtaining and completing any make-up work is entirely the responsibility of the student. Make-up work must be completed within a reasonable period, not to exceed the total length of the absence. Teachers are not expected to provide make-up work for any unexcused absences. 

       Parent notes will be accepted for 5 days for each semester.  Unexcused absences carry over to the second semester.


Steps in Implementing the Hamblen County Progressive Truancy Plan

    •3-4 unexcused/unverified absences --- the school's attendance coach will contact parent

    •5 unexcused/unverified absences --- an attendance contract will be completed by the attendance coach/principal and will be signed by the parent/guardian, student, and school administrator or designee.

    •If a student who has a contract has additional unexcused absences, the attendance coach will contact the parent/guardian by letter or phone to request excuses; an individual assessment will be completed and additional follow-up meetings will be conducted.  A student may be referred for counseling or other services to address attendance problems.

    •10 unexcused absences --- student will be referred to the Hamblen County Attendance Review Committee.  Non-compliance in addressing student attendance could result in a referral to Juvenile Court Services.



Car riders will be dismissed from the cafeteria. Car riders must be picked up no later than 3:30pm.



       • In order to eat breakfast, students must be here no later than 7:30.

       • Students arriving after 8:00 AM are considered tardy. A PARENT must accompany 

student to the office and sign the child in to remove the child's name from the absentee list. 

       • Frequent tardiness will be treated by the school as an attendance problem and will 

be reported to the graduation coach.

       • Parents are not permitted to walk students to class. The child needs to assume 

the responsibility of independently making his/her way to class.

*ALL CAR RIDERS must report to the cafeteria upon arrival before 7:45 am. 

After 7:45 am, car riders should be dropped off at the front entrance.
*ALL BUS RIDERS will be dropped off at the front door and will report to the cafeteria.



If you must take your child out of school before the normal dismissal time, please come to the office personally to check your child out. Under no circumstances may children sign themselves out of school or wait outside by themselves. Students may be signed out of school only by their parents or by people authorized to do so by their parents. If you are sending someone else to sign your child out, please send a note with your child. Parents are not to go to the classrooms to call for their child - the child will come to the office.

It is very important that students arrive at school on time and remain at school for the entire school day. Early Dismissal occurs when a student leaves school early before the scheduled dismissal time. An early dismissal for a medical/dental appointment can be excused by sending the doctor's excuse for the appointment to the school office.  


Early dismissals and tardies are combined and result in the following consequences:

•3 unexcused tardies/dismissals --- parent receives a letter from the school

•6 unexcused tardies/dismissals --- parent will be contacted by the school's attendance coach 

•8-10 tardies/dismissals --- student will be placed on a Tardy Contract 

•Additional tardies/dismissals after a student is on a Tardy Contract will result in referral to the Attendance Review Committee.




       Any child arriving at school after 8:00 A.M. should report to the office to have his/her name removed from the absentee list. Frequent tardiness will be treated by the school as an attendance problem and will be reported to the attendance officer.

It is very important that students arrive at school on time and remain at school for the entire school day.  


Early dismissals and tardies are combined and result in the following consequences:

•3 unexcused tardies/dismissals --- parent receives a letter from the school

•6 unexcused tardies/dismissals --- parent will be contacted by the school's attendance coach 

•8-10 tardies/dismissals --- student will be placed on a Tardy Contract

•Additional tardies/dismissals after a student is on a Tardy Contract will result in referral to the Attendance Review Committee. 




Truancy is a serious violation of law and requires severe disciplinary and legal action by the school.  Parents are held legally responsible for keeping their children in school.

Excessive tardies or absences will be subject to referral to the attendance review committee and possible petition to  court. 






In addition to the core curriculum, all students will participate in Special Area classes as follows:



 ●Library – All students visit the Library several times a week with their class. 

Books are checked out for one week and can generally be removed. Students will be expected to pay for any

lost or damaged Library books.

 ●Physical Education (P.E.) – State law requires all children to participate in physical education, unless excused in writing

by a licensed physician or, in cases of religious objection, by an ordained clergyman. One day excuses signed

by parents are also acceptable.

   *Students are expected to wear appropriate shoes for P.E.



Report cards are issued to all students every nine weeks.

Most teachers will regularly send home samples of student work in order to keep parents informed of their child’s progress.



Textbooks are provided by the taxpayers of Tennessee. All students are fully responsible for the proper care of any textbooks which are issued to them.  Loss or damage to these books will require payment to the school system.



Fourth and fifth grade students at Union Heights participate in 4-H activities. If you do not want your child to participate in this program, please send written notification to your child's teacher. 






Breakfast and hot lunches are offered daily.  

Students who wish to eat breakfast should arrive no later than 7:30AM.

Children may bring lunch from home, but students are not permitted to bring soft drinks 

Extra milk and/or ice cream can be purchased at an additional charge.

Parents/visitors wishing to eat lunch with their child must notify the cafeteria in advance 

Information regarding free/reduced lunch will be sent to all parents in accordance with federal law 



●Students are not allowed to bring food from outside commercial food service establishments into school cafeterias. 

●Students are encouraged to prepay by the week 

●Students or visitors are not allowed to charge lunches except in emergencies 

●Only the principal may issue a charge slip for a maximum of three (3) consecutive times this charge will be due the next day 

●Please be advised that your child will not be allowed to go on field trips or attend special programs at school that require admission or buy a la carte items until the account is settled with the cafeteria. 



Students are expected to talk quietly while in the cafeteria for breakfast or lunch. Loud or excessive noise during these periods could result in students having to sit by themselves, assigned seats, or “no talking” during lunch. Students are expected to keep the tables and floor free of food, paper, etc..  Students should not “play” with their food. 




Our school-wide discipline policies are designed to ensure that every child knows

(1) what the rules are and 

(2) what the consequences for breaking the rules will be. 


Students should conduct their daily behavior in a manner that represents our school with pride, responsibility, and accountability to our fellow students and community. 



●Each student should show respect for the rights and property of others.

●Students should address teachers and other staff members in a respectful and  

  courteous manner.

●Students should avoid physical “horseplay” and rowdiness within the school 

  building, on the playground, and on the bus.

●Each teacher will provide her students and their parents with a basic set of 

    class rules. This will also include an outline of disciplinary practices.



1. Follow directions first time given 

2. Be in your seat ready to work with all proper materials when class begins. 

3. Keep hands, feet, gestures, and inappropriate comments to yourself. 

4. Be respectful to all students, all staff, and any guests in our building. 




**Class Dojo will be used as a daily behavior progress report. 

Please make sure that you are signed up with 

your student’s teacher. 





Level 1   Warning 

Level 2  1 Day ALP, Guidance Referral 

Level 3 Up to 3 days ALP, Guidance Referral 

Level 4  1 Hour After School Detention, Guidance Referral 

Level 5  1 Day OSS (Out of School Suspension,) Guidance Referral

Level 6  2 Days OSS, Guidance Referral

Level 7  3 Days OSS, Orientation at Miller Boyd Alternative School & 

Guidance Referral

Level 8  Placement at Miller Boyd Alternative School

*Severe Clause - Principal's Discretion 

*Principal will determine the amount of time in Alternate Learning Placement (ALP).  

*Parents will be notified at each level. 




       It is the policy of the Hamblen County Board of Education to promote a secure and safe environment, free from threat, harassment, and any type of bullying behavior. Any bullying behavior by individuals or organizations of any kind directed toward another that, if carried out, would pose a potential danger to the safety of students, staff, faculty, or administration will be regarded as a serious matter and will be treated accordingly. The Board will not tolerate bullying behavior made against anyone in the school community. 


The anti-bullying program within the district schools seeks to accomplish the following goals: 

1. To promote a secure and safe environment, free from threat, harassment, and any type of bullying behavior 

2. To take positive action to prevent bullying from occurring 

3. To inform parents and students of the school's expectations, and to foster a productive partnership which helps to maintain a bully-free environment 

4. To make staff members aware of their role in fostering the knowledge and attitudes that will be required to achieve the above 


        Bullying can be defined as repeated and systematic harassment and attacks on others, perpetrated by individuals or groups. Bullying takes many forms and can include many different behaviors, such as, but not limited to: 

1. Physical violence and attacks 

2. Verbal taunts, name-calling, and put-downs, including ethnically-based verbal abuse and gender-based put-downs 

3. Threats and intimidation 

4. Extortion or stealing of money and possessions 

5. Exclusion from the peer group 


  Any student found guilty of bullying behavior will be placed on the appropriate level of the school's assertive discipline plan. 

Students and parents of students will be notified of the bullying policy and the penalties for violating the policy by: 

1. Posting such information at each school 

2. Including such information in student handbooks 

(Adopted 6/20/05) 



The policy of Hamblen County Schools requires a learning and working environment that is free from harassment, sexual harassment, and discrimination of any type. The school system prohibits any form of harassment, sexual harassment, or discrimination based on age, religion, disability, race, or national origin. It will be a violation of this policy for any student or employee of the school system to sexually harass or discriminate against a student or an employee through conduct or communication in any form. This policy will be enforced in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. 

If you suspect discrimination based on a disability, please contact Amy Mitchell, District Section 504 Coordinator, at 581-3067 





       School bus transportation is provided by the taxpayers of Tennessee and is a privilege extended to all eligible students. Misconduct on the bus or at bus stops may result in a loss of this privilege.

      The privilege of riding a school bus is conditioned upon students' good behavior and the observance of reasonable safety rules and regulations. It is understood that the bus driver is in full charge of the bus and students. Any child who violates the safety rules will be reported by the bus driver to the Principal.


    When riding a Hamblen County School bus, students may receive consequences for the following behaviors:

●Failure to remain seated 

●Scuffling or fighting 

●Profanity or obscene language 

●Smoking on bus 

●Lighting matches 

●Throwing objects from window 

●Refusing to obey driver 

●Bothering others 

●Other safety issues 

●Throwing objects on bus 

●Extending arm or head out window 



1st Consequence   Warning

2nd Consequence   5 days off bus

3rd Consequence   15 days off bus

4th Consequence   30 days off bus

5th Consequence   School year off bus

*Parents may contact the Transportation Department @ 423-586-2103 for information concerning their student's transportation services 




*Car riders in all grades are to be picked up at 3:00pm at the cafeteria door of the  school. Car riders are to be picked up no later than 3:30PM. PLEASE BE ON TIME!

*All cars should display their car tags when in the car rider line. Car tags should be displayed until your child is in your car. If your child will be picked up by someone who doesn't have a car tag, please call the school and let office staff know who will be picking up your child. Anyone without a car tag will need to report to the main office and be prepared to show a photo i.d.

*Do not leave your car and come to the door to get your child. Wait in the car and a staff member will bring your child to your car.




Any time a student goes home in a manner different from his/her regularly assigned way, the student must have a written request, signed by the parent and approved by the principal. This must be done at the beginning of the day upon the student's arrival at school. 


When students are riding home by bus with another student, he/she will need a written permission note from a parent and the parent of the student they are riding with. They will be given a form from the office giving he/she permission to ride the bus and this will be given to the bus driver 


Students will not make last-minute arrangements by telephone to change transportation 

In case of threatening weather, listen to your radio for instructions. 

Discuss plans for inclement weather with your child in advance - School Messenger is a very good feature to have for cases like this 




In case of threatening weather, listen to your radio, watch your local television stations, or visit the county's website or Facebook page for instructions.



Discuss plans for inclement weather with your child in advance.

SchoolMessenger will be used as a notification system that will call, email and/or SMS text message important information from your student's school.  In the event that a notification is sent, SchoolMessenger will pull your contact information from ParentPortal.  Please contact your child's school or the Hamblen County Department of Education for more information.







●Pants will be hemmed and worn at the waist 


●Skirts and dresses will be a minimum length of mid-thigh 


●Shorts will be a minimum length of mid-thigh and will be worn at the waist 


●Tank tops, halter tops, and spaghetti string tops will not be permitted 


●Clothing must be neat 

●No holes, rips, or tears will be allowed 

●Clothing will fit properly and will not be unreasonably tight or unreasonably  


●Students will wear appropriate undergarments, and undergarments will not be 



●Students will wear shoes 

●Flip-flops will not be permitted 


●No headwear of any type will be worn inside the building 

●Hair bows and barrettes will be permitted, provided they are of reasonable size 

  and subtle color 


●Hair will be worn in a manner that does not disrupt the educational process and 

  does not call attention to the individual 


●Facial jewelry will be limited to the ear 

●Three earrings per ear will be permitted 


●The board prohibits the display of any symbol on school property or any object   

  (such as a book bag, school locker, etc.) that promotes racial discord or is   

  related to gang activity 



Accident Insurance

Accident insurance will be made available to all students.  Please see the school website or the district website for more information.




Parents can do their part to improve schoolwork when they: 

1. Cooperate with the school to make school work important 

2. Provide children with suitable study conditions-desk, table, lights, books, and 


3. Reserve a time for homework and turn off the television 

4. Encourage your child but avoid undue pressure 

5. Show interest in what your child is doing but do not do work for him/her 

6. Understand the school expects homework to be completed and returned in the    

    child's own handwriting 

Children will improve their study habits by observing the following: 

1. Be sure you understand each assignment- listen to directions 

2. Form the habit of using a certain time and place for study 

3. Study conditions should include good lighting, ventilation, and quiet 

4. Have necessary materials at hand 

5. Try to develop the skill of working independently